Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Initial Frames: Contents Page 23/3/16

As you can see in the attached image, I have decided to draw some rough frames in place for the contents page of my magazine on the inDesign program. I have included a large frame across the top of the page for the location of the arrow and the word 'contents' to be displayed. Above this, I will have small details such as the month it was released. The series of thin frames down the left hand side of the page will contain all my story titles including their page numbers and a small blurb. I have drawn a large frame on the right had side as I would like to place numerous images of different sizes in here.

I haven't included frames for things such as social media links as I will wait and see what room I have left once the writing and images have been displayed. There will also be small brand identity details that I wish to include on the page. By including small things that link to the brand of the magazine, the magazine flows more effectively as similar features can be noticed throughout.

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