Thursday, 24 March 2016

Progress of Contents Page 24/3/16

Looking at the image below, it is visible that I have slowly been adding text in the
desired fonts as well as playing around with the layout and the size and colour of the arrow. I think that the idea of having dotted sectioning lines was a very clever as it looks effective and acts as a creative border as well. I have decided to use the same 'Native Alien' font for the title and 'Arial Narrow' for the main text. There are 8 headings followed by blurbs about what the pages have to offer- the majority of contents I analysed followed this convention. 

I am unsure as to whether or not I want a coloured background so for now I have decided to add a grey gradient inside the arrow to match the front cover. I have double underlined the section headers so that they stand out from the rest of the writing and also made the font larger for the page numbers so that they are easier to notice. I have chosen to place the city names where the magazine is most influential below the title as this is a personal touch that strengthens brand identity. This convention was found on the contents page of a Mojo magazine that I had previously analysed.

I have kept the right hand side empty ready to display my images but this is roughly the amount of room I would like them to cover. I don't want the images too close to the text as this may make the page look rather overcrowded. NME's contents pages are fairly cluttered yet still visually pleasing so I will still keep this option in mind. There isn't much of a colour scheme to carry through onto this page as I have kept all writing black. I think I may have to change this in the future if it doesn't look effective once my images are in place. 

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